
Permanent Resident

STATUS: Long Term Resident

Approximate Date of Birth: 2003


GENDER: Neutered Male

MEDICAL: hyperthyroid, pancreatitis, athritis

BIO: Kitty is 20 years old! Kitty came into our care in February 2021. After one weekend in foster care he ended up needing to be rushed to an emergency clinic which ultimately advised us he has cancer. Later his blood work and condition improved and it was no longer thought that he had cancer. Then he was diagnosed with kidney disease and on a recheck, his kidneys were fine. Kitty has had a few emergency visits but he always ends up feeling fine afterwards. In summer 2023 he had another emergency visit and was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and acute pancreatitis. Kitty will remain in his forever foster home who will keep him comfy, happy and loved for the rest of his days. Kitty loves treats and p

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